For our daughter’s 4H miniature club, they were tasked with creating a book-themed miniature display for this year’s 4H Fair. For her book, she chose The Lion, The Witch and the Wardrobe, the classic by C.S. Lewis from his Chronicles of Narnia series. It was cool to see all of the details that she created using random objects, including the miniature wardrobe, of course! How many references to The Lion, the Witch and the Wardrobe can you find in her display?
Category Archives: white elephant junior
Cardboard Regatta V
One of the highlights of the year for us at White Elephant Creations is the Cardboard Regatta that our church hosts. It is a fun opportunity to get creative and work with one of our favorite mediums…cardboard! This year, our son was old enough to participate. After consulting with him, we settled on creating a space rocket boat. Using cardboard, duct tape, some cool plastic flower pots that were perfect for the booster rockets, and lots of aluminum foil, we crafted our rocket. Faith decided to join our son as co-pilot and we found some fun space helmets at the party store as a cool finishing touch. Although they did not win the race, their boat did not sink, which was the bigger win for Faith. Thanks Faith for being a good sport and being the only parent to participate!
With both kids participating this year, Mike was anticipating having to help construct 2 cardboard boats. Thankfully, our daughter decided to build her boat with her friend instead. They decided on a patriotic theme for their boat creation and ended up winning most creative boat design. Unfortunately, their boat did not fair very well in the race, sinking shortly after the start; but we were very proud of her for creating her boat without our assistance.
Harlem Spud Trotter

We recently took our son to see the Harlem Globetrotters play, so when it came time to create his potato character, we weren’t surprised at his pick. The basketball is even made out of a small potato.
Gnome Mosaic
Cardboard Regatta
We had so much fun working with our daughter to build her cardboard boat four our church’s annual Cardboard Regatta. The basic premise for the regatta is for parents and kids to build a navigable boat using mainly cardboard and duct tape. In addition to racing against other kids’ cardboard boats, boats are also judged on creativity and asked to come up with a theme for their boats. For our daughter’s boat, we came up with a winter/Frosty the Snowman theme with Frosty being towed from behind to look like he was water skiing.
This was the first time for our daughter to compete in the regatta. She was very apprehensive and nervous about her boat sinking in the chilly and “dirty” lake water. We assured her that she would be okay, and thanks to a whole lot of extra duct tape, we made sure that she wouldn’t sink. Thankfully the rules on duct tape were pretty loose.
When it came time to launch the boats, Frosty (being towed from behind) quickly fell over, but our daughter’s boat still stayed afloat. In the end, our daughter (and her co-pilot friend) came in second place, but the greatest victory was being one of the few boats to finish the race without sinking. It was a fun day, and best of all, our daughter is looking forward to competing in the cardboard regatta next year.