Who says candy wrappers have to go to the trash when you are finished with the candy? Check out these hip lollipop wrapper dresses that our daughter created for her doll miniatures.
Dress look
Maps are great for using when you travel or just to look at and dream. Our son is a big fan of maps and the outdoors, so when it came time to create his birthday party invitations, it was only natural for us to incorporate maps in the design. We created our own invitations using Adobe Illustrator and some card stock paper. Then it was time to create the envelopes. We are always looking for ways to reuse materials, so it was only natural that we would use pages of maps from a beatup atlas to help create the look.Using an old envelope as our template, we cut and pasted and folded, and created our unique envelopes that are sure to attract attention. We think they turned out great.
Who needs candy Valentines when you can have buttons? Our daughter found some fun Valentine-themed buttons that were perfect for making Valentine cards for her classmates. As much as we have loved helping her make her Valentines in the past, it’s great having her old enough to make them all herself. What are you making for Valentine’s Day.
Each year around this time, my daughter and I attend our church’s Daddy Daughter Dance. This year, she really wanted to wear a duct tape dress, so with her mom’s, she set out to make a classy dress using nothing but duct tape. After cleaning out all of the red duct tape at the store, my wife set out to make the dress. Duct tape is a challenge to work with sometimes, and this was definitely one of those times. After some setbacks and lots of thrown away duct tape, the dress was completed. Originally, my daughter had asked for me to join her with a duct tape suit, but I elected to stop at a duct tape tie. My daughter and I had a great evening together, and as you can imagine, we were quite the conversation piece. Check out some of the pictures of our duct tape dress creation, including some shots of the dress in action at the dance.